Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Solemn Thought --> A Winning Solution

"Reaching your full potential" means being the very best person you can be, right? Is it just me, or does that sound like a terrifying concept? How can you push yourself to work towards an ideal that may never come? Even worse, what if you already reached that point of "full potential," but weren't able to notice because it simply wasn't good enough? Instead of fillling the mold you carved for yourself, you merely painted the surface, creating only a mediocre representation of your dreams and aspirations. Maybe the phrase is just a timeless source of motivation that inspires us to continue working diligently, rather than get hung up on our shortcomings. If the latter is true, what real reason do we have to justify our actions? What is the point in working for something so unattainable?

Taking a page out of any guy's handbook, I'd say, do it for the chase. In the spirit of competition, there is nothing sweeter than beating an opponent to something that you both want. When the circumstances are fair, winning basically means one thing: You are better than your opponents. You possess greater skill, intellect, character, etc. In that fleeting moment of victory, you may not be the best that you personally want to be, but you are the best at whatever it is you competed for. Even if your efforts don't result in a full-on victory, there is something so thrilling about going after the things you can't have. In the end, it's a partial-win-partial-win situation.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Just Wanted to Let You All Know That...

It is no longer a matter of time or place. It is a matter of substance.

Ergo, I will never
-Recount my days in hopes of finding something interesting to share
-Try to validate my existence based on my daily activities
-Share random factoids/ thoughts/ experiences that no one can relate to
-"Show (through artistic mediums such as painting, photography, sketching, etc.) and Tell"

Just kidding. I can imagine myself doing all of these things in the near future.
How many blogs did I just accidentally make fun of?
Don't be angry with me. I love and envy all your blogs.

Monday, January 5, 2009

2008: Not-So-Great and Great

It's not what you're expecting. I can't say it was utterly important, yet I can't say it was completely uneventful either. It was somewhere in between. No, wait. Actually, 2008 was pretty big. I just don't care for a lot of it. Let me explain.

During the first half, I probably experienced some of my lowest points. Unfocused. Careless. Consequently, I didn't rise to the academic occasion the way I should have. Judging from the quality of this blogspot, you and I both know that I'm capable of outstanding work LOL. But in all seriousness, 2009 will not be a repeat of 2008 in terms of personal accomplishments. Instead of making it a bound-to-break New Year's resolution, I'll make it a daily item on my "To Do" lists. Granted, I probably won't do it 100 days out of the year, but let's just assume that those days are weekends :]. Anyway, the idea alone is pretty impressive. Imagine, "Use all resources available to you and go out of your way to be the all-around best person you can possibly be. Don't waste time. Don't procrastinate. Prioritize," written in my planner in fancy, glittery print.

Hmm, well that about sums up the bad. On to the good.

I built some very significant friendships during the first half of the year. There was one that really kept me going, by way of inside jokes and...harmless gossip, when times got rough at school. There was another that really surprised me and showed me that there are genuine people worth getting to know at school. Finally, there was one that was kind of different, kind of moody, but always so good at the very core. This one made me realize that I can't always get what I want as well as what I actually want.

I just remembered that I had my first breakup during the first half of the year. I can't decide if that was something bad, good, or ioncare, so I'll categorize it as something that taught me a lesson.

I guess it was a good relationship if it lasted over a year. It was another one of those things that made me realize what I actually want. Even more so, it made me realize what I don't want. In the end, it was just my first love, not necessarily my first heartbreak (I have yet to truly experience that uh oh), my first post-relationship friendship, and my first failed friendship.

Summer was nice. Besides spending those two and a half months lounging, when I should have been a-werkin', I took some time to detach myself from my old wants and needs, and to prepare myself for bigger and better things. I gave up/ stopped dwelling on some matters and got even closer to my best friend, just when I thought it wasn't possible. In other words, it was a period of closure and transition.

Junior year came. It came all over the place, and I loved/ love it. Despite overcoming my inefficient work habits, the first half of this school year has treated me like a princess. You know who else treats me like a princess? My boyfriend :]. I tell you this because 1) I have no shame and 2) he was the cherry on top of my year. I purposely didn't mention how I met him at the end of summer just so I could ruin this entry with a cheesy, girly ending.

Thangs to Remember:

-First prom

-Three weeks in Oklahoma

-Birthday weekend

-Camping trip

-AIMing with all the right people/ until 8:00 A.M. wtf?

-Lunch dates


-Autumn Formal/ Getting into trubblez teehee



-New Year's

If you're still reading this: You're probably one of the individuals that made 2008 worthwhile. Thanks! I've grown and learned so much that I feel I should be coasting from this point on. Werkin' hard, furthering relationships, and enjoying the obscure things that put a smile on my face, as well as in my pants.

2009 should be ruuulll gud.